
Author's details

Date registered: 13/03/2011

Latest posts

  1. Pastor Elijah Martinovici — 03/03/2012
  2. Morning Sermon Series — 18/10/2011
  3. Evening Sermon Series — 18/10/2011
  4. Friday Nights @ Cornerstone — 22/09/2011

Author's posts listings

Pastor Elijah Martinovici

                                                                      The Cost of Discipleship According to Jesus Matthew 16:24-27 (24) Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone desires to …

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Morning Sermon Series

  The Gospels are the good news about Jesus . . . and that news is so important that the Bible includes not one, but four gospels to tell the story. Learn how it all fits together at 10am on Sunday mornings at Cornerstone.

Evening Sermon Series

Evening Worship Services are focused on the book of Exodus as part of our series on ‘Creation and Covenant’. Come and learn about how God is mighty and faithful in keeping the covenant promises he makes to his people. Sundays at 6pm.

Friday Nights @ Cornerstone

  Every Friday at 7.00pm an evening of praise and worship and Bible study is open to all ages.  The theme is ‘GALATIANS – Why God Accepts Us (The true source of our acceptance – Jesus Christ)’.